Trabajo de verano

Estimadas familias,
Tal como se explicó en las recomendaciones de verano que adjuntamos a los boletines de notas, dejamos a vuestra disposición el cuadernillo de verano con los ejercicios de Lengua, Matemáticas e Inglés que los profesores hemos seleccionado.
Asimismo, para aquellos alumnos que hayan aprobado alguna materia con calificaciones muy ajustadas, que tengan alguna materia pendiente, o bien, que tengan prevista la repetición de cuarto para el próximo curso, dejamos también a su disposición el cuadernillo de verano que han elaborado nuestros compañeros de tercer curso por si alguno de sus aspectos fuera de su interés.

¡Les deseamos unas felices vacaciones!

Animal diet

Food chains

Matching game


Iron Age life 

Ancient Ages



Ancient Greeks


Explore different periods of History

Autonomous Community Project

Informaciones varias sobre las comunidades autónomas

Viaje%20 por%20españa%20cova[1] from fernandoi

Principales sitios de interés turístico

GESE4 Pictures to talk about




Seasonal Activities



Pictures to talk about in conversation phase


Saint Valentine's day

Comunion and Baptism



Future with going to

 You have to fill in the gaps using the "going to future", remember that first you have to write the correct form of the verb to be "am - is -are", then you write "going to" and finally the verb in infinitive (e.g. live, eat, drink, dance....)

This is an example: "Susan is going to visit her grandma on Saturday"

Click on the picture to do the activity

Present simple

We use present simple to talk about things we do every day. We can use an adverb of frequency in sentences in present simple (always, often, usually, sometimes, rarely, never)
We always have lunch at two o'clock
In the third person singular (he, she, it) the verb has an "s" or "es", depending on the last letter of the verb.
You run - he runs

You watch - he watches
If the verb ends in "y" and it has a consonant before the "y" you have to change the "y" by "i" and then add "es"

You study - he studies

Practice the third person singular using this activity online. It is very easy to play, a boy will come out with a verb on a poster, you have to write the third person of this verb quickly before he falls down.